Thursday, October 20, 2011

Thoughts on Nicaragua

Nicaragua has been a great time, so much so that we extended our time there. Keeping true to their Latin roots, the people have been warm and friendly.  In a lot of ways Nicaragua reminds me of Panama and maybe that's why we enjoyed the country so much.

Nicaragua is a poor country, just as Panama is once you get outside the city. Many are darker skinned, showing the historical integration with the indigenous people.  That being said, there isn't really a strong presence of indigenous people or their cultural identity as there was in Panama.

The weather has been interesting.  It is the rainy season, but rain here is usually a light sprinkle or brief downpour.  Downpours can be waited out under an awning or by ducking into a store for a few minutes.  It stands in contrast against the constant and torrential downpours we had in Panama.

Overall Nicaragua is a great place to visit.  There's plenty to see, the people are nice, and the food is yummy.  Tourism has been developed just enough, but not so much as to give a commercialized taste in one's mouth.  

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