Sunday, October 23, 2011

San Salvador, El Salvador

We arrived in the night to a waterlogged country.  85% of the beaches had been flooded.  There had been numerous mudslides and sadly over one hundred deaths due to all the flooding.  

As such, we decided to take a day to figure out whether to stay in El Salvador or continue on to Guatemala. Our hotel was close to the MetroCentro mall, so we came all the way to El Salvador to... well... play Guitar Hero and eat Pizza Hut.

The day wasn't a total loss though.  Turns out there's also really cute puppies in San Salvador.  

In the evening, we met other Peace Corps volunteers serving in El Salvador.  San Salvador has a pretty good night life as long as you know where to go and have the numbers of some taxi drivers you can trust.

San Salvador is like any big city in Central America.  There's smog, grit, and crime.  There's also pockets, usually with Intercontinentals and malls.  In this case, we were close to both.  But let there be no confusion, San Salvador is dangerous.  It's not the place for your next summer home, just a necessary evil to get around the country.  In general, I was equal parts impressed by the sprawl and strong middle class as I was with the endless graffiti, signs of the gang activity that has unfortunately defined the image of El Salvador.

Where We Stayed:  Hotel Sisimiles.  One of the Peace Corps hotels in San Sal.  Clean.  Internet.  Hot water (!).  Another option is a cross the street at Hotel Happy House

Where We Ate:  Sadly, too much time at food courts in the malls of San Sal.  Had good wings at Wild Wings.

What We Did:  Nightlife, mall ratting.  

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