Friday, October 28, 2011

Crossing into Guatemala

The scenery leaving El Salvador was beautiful.  Mountains started to take on a grander scale and the landscape turned to agriculture.  Unfortunately, just before the border, we saw another tragic example of the recent flooding.  Homes at the shore of Laguna del Liano were completely submerged, leaving only their rooftops as proof of what one would find below.

The trip into Guatemala was great.  We hired a shuttle from Antigua that took us through Las Chinamas border crossing.  It seems El Salvador couldn't care less what you bring out of its country, only matched by Guatemala's indifference to what you bring in.  The total border crossing took 15 minutes, including the bathroom break.

Within hours we found ourselves in Antigua, a far cry from San Salvador.  After donning our jackets for the chilly night in the colonial town tucked away in the mountains, we took an evening stroll to take in our new Guatemalan setting.

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