Wednesday, October 12, 2011

San Carlos, Nicaragua

Port towns are usually dirty, dangerous, and rather dull. While our accommodations could have used the Mr. Clean touch, San Carlos otherwise seemed to break the mold. We wandered the streets, had great conversation with the locals, and ate well while waiting for the ferry to Isla de Ometepe the next day. 

Here's a few photos from our overnight stay in San Carlos. The people and food were great and we enjoyed getting lost in this small port town. 

Where We Stayed: Hotel San Carlos. You can't be too picky for $5/person, but it was definitely funky. The bucket showers reminded my of my time in the Peace Corps and the mustiness of the room was a constant reminder that we would be checking out the next day. The grandson of the owner made up for the funky accommodations, but there are plenty of options in San Carlos so look around

Where We Ate: There are sodas all over the place selling similar food, all of which is delicious.

What We Did: There's not a whole lot to do, but a brief wandering of the streets will take you to a park perched above the town, the waterside promenade, and to the main market.

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