Saturday, October 8, 2011

San Jose, Costa Rica

After almost a year, I find myself in San Jose once again.   San Jose doesn't have too much to offer, but if you're traveling through Costa Rica, you'll most likely spend at least a day here.

I wrote about it on my previous blog when I was just passing through on the way home for the holidays.  This time around I had a full day to explore the city. We checked out the zoo, the National Theater, and wandered aimlessly among street vendors.  While the theater was a bit pricey, it really is beautiful inside with frescoes and gilded everything.  The zoo is definitely worth checking out and a cheaper option.  In addition, make sure to stop for a snack in the Mercado Central.

Cool tile floors in the National Theater

Where We Stayed: Hostal Pangea.  Friendly staff.  Clean.  Pool.  Rooftop restaurant and bar.  Internet.  Staff found and guarded a friend's iPod that had been left out.  All good things.  However, the place is almost hip to a fault.  Not a quaint place for the grungier backpacker.  No kitchen.  Music all day long.

What We Ate: Hostal Pangea has a restaurant, but it's pricey.  You're better off finding a soda with typical Costa Rican fare.  There's plenty of options in San Jose.

What to See: National Theater, Mercado Central, Zoo

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