Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Crossing Into Nicaragua

After scratching our heads around how to avoid backtracking into San Jose from La Fortuna, we found an alternative border crossing at Los Chiles, Costa Rica. The planets had aligned and by planets I mean bus and boat schedules in two different countries.

From La Fortuna we took the bus back to the terminal at Ciudad Quesada and caught a bus (hourly) to Los Chiles at the border. After spending the afternoon exchanging Colones to Cordobas, making sure we had the necessary stamps at immigration, and drinking one last Imperial (or two), we took a river ferry up to San Carlos, Nicaragua.

This is a path less frequented and for that reason was really enjoyable. The bus ride to Los Chiles was beautiful. It was fascinating to see darker and darker skinned Costa Ricans and Nicaraguans hop on the bus. The pueblos became poorer and poorer as we approached the border. However, the soccer fields in each town remained constant, in great shape with perfectly trimmed green grass.

Crossing the border was relatively easy. We waited in zero lines and drank beer in the process. It's definitely a tranquilo option for those that want a more unique entrance to Nicaragua.

The Rio Frio reminded my of my dear Rio Mananti in Panama. The river had the same jungle cruise vibe and was a bird watcher's dream. The river even had a few thatch roof huts to boot. A quarter of the way into our trip up the river towards Lake Nicaragua it started to pour. Ten minutes later the rain had subsided and a rainbow fell onto Nicaragua. As we crossed the border, we all took it as an omen that good things were to come.

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